Fencing Practice: June 18, 2021

Practice in a Nutshell

Type of Practice: Open: Swordsman Run

We are still holding practice, even after camp. It’s going to be great! It’s going to be a relaxed, laid-back practice, but still worth your time. So come chill, but ready to learn.

Students will have a chance to work on the last two lessons they have studied and work with Shay during an Open Workshop. We are going to talk about two skills and fight as much as we can.

Swordsmen you get the opportunity to work with a Master Swordsman.

After that, we will have a quick discussion with a chance to fight them on three specific skills. (To tantalize you I’m calling one The Venice Brawl!) Then our Swordsman Renald has volunteered to run a few games for us.


  • Newcomers: As Needed
  • Initiates: Open Workshop
  • Novices: Open Workshop
  • Swordsmen: Formal Time with Master Swordsmen


None for this week.

Shay’s Thoughts

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1 thought on “Fencing Practice: June 18, 2021”

  1. When I actually read through the posts, they are very useful. I enjoy being able to see what we are doing each week at fencing. Admittedly I am not the best at checking for the weekly posts though, but when I do read them, I do find them useful.

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