Fencing Practice: October 9, 2020

Practice in a Nutshell

Type of Practice: Melee

This week, after lessons, we will turn the Melee time over to Kane for our last Swordsman practice of the year. He will lead us through as many melees as we can get through before we lose the light and maybe a few under the pavilion.

Students please read your lesson before you come. Thanks!

Come enjoy, this is going to be a great practice!


  • Newcomers: As Needed
  • Initiates: 2 on 1 Tactics
  • Novices: Cloak
  • Swordsmen: Open Workshop time / Student assistance



COVID strikes again folks. Unfortunately, the SDRC has had to modify how they are celebrating Halloween with the community due to the plague, so they do not need us to volunteer this year. They do hope to resume normal operations next year and have invited us back for that. This means that we do not have our regular fundraiser for this year. Instead of cash, we have an opportunity to get creative! Our current goal for gear is to buy new vests for the group and perhaps replace a few blades. For that, we would still like to earn some cash from outside the group. We will have internal fundraising events later next year that may involve sweet sweets. If you have ideas for fundraising where the cash comes from outside the group please contact an officer, or comment below, and let’s see what we can do.

Shay’s Thoughts

In closing announcements last week I asked you to read my thoughts from the announcements again so you could understand the goals I’m working on for the Order. If you haven’t please do that. I mentioned my ‘Why.’ That I want to help people reach their goals. But it is really hard to do that if people don’t know what their goals are. So I have a simple challenge for you this week, instead of a long article. This goes along with the last goal from the article.


Go for a walk. 20 minutes will do. I suggest going by yourself (safely). And think. Don’t listen to music, podcasts, or anything. Just be quiet in your soul, and think. Think about what you want from fencing. Try to keep it simple and specific. When you get home, write it down on a post-it note. Put that note where you can see it, often. That’s it. Bonus if you’ll share it with me or someone at fencing. I’d genuinely love to hear your goals.