The Rose Code

Article I – Name of the Company

1.01. The official name of the Company shall be known as the Order of the Rose (OotR).

Article II – Purpose

2.01. The Order of the Rose was established as a company open to anyone who wanted to learn how to fence, without fear of ridicule or judgement. We welcome safe, honorable, fun-loving people who desire to become skilled swordsmen.

2.02. We believe in Honor, where none is found; Adventure, in everything we do; and Camaraderie with everyone we meet. Each member will be part of something greater than themselves, experience grand adventures, forge new friendships, and learn new skills.

2.03. We uphold the following four principles, called the Four Levels of Importance, above all others: Safety, Honor, Attitude, and Skill.

Article III – Membership

3.01. Any person who has a desire to join and is able to follow the rules and guidelines set by the Order of the Rose and its Officers, should be allowed to join. We believe that there is a place for everyone around our fire. We are a safe haven for outcasts, vagabonds, and misfits who need a family like group of friends.

3.02. Every member of the Order of the Rose must fill out and return a completed Code of Conduct & Accident/Injury Waiver form before being allowed to fence. Guests from outside the Order need to provide proof of competency via authorization cards from HEMA or the SCA before they will be allowed to fight with the Order. For safety, members who wish to participate in fencing must be at least 14 years old.

3.03. We uphold members of the Order of the Rose to the following Code of Conduct:

  • Follow all the guidelines laid down by the Order of the Rose and its Officers.
  • Play within the rules and respect officers and their decisions.
  • Promote the positive aspects of Order of the Rose.
  • Encourage participants to value their performances and not just results.
  • Set a good example by recognizing fair play and applauding the good performances of all.
  • Respect and properly use any and all loaner gear provided by Order of the Rose and others.
  • Pay any groups fees for gear rental or events promptly.
  • Publicly accept Officer’s judgements.
  • Use correct and appropriate language at all times. See Bylaw VII.
  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibited substances.
  • Never punish or belittle a participant for losing or making mistakes.
  • Members are not allowed to consume or participate under the influence of alcohol or illegal/illicit drugs of any kind in or around the venue or whilst participating in group activities.

3.04. Full membership in the Order of the Rose is granted upon completion of the Training Program and receiving the rank of Swordsman. Swordsmen may wear the Order of the Rose uniform which is a black tabard with their personal color lining the inside, The tabard will have a rose patch attached to the left shoulder. This patch is provided by the company, and belongs to the company. This rose completes the uniform. If a Swordsman decides to leave the company permanently, or they are asked to leave permanently, they must remove and return the rose. They may keep the tabard as without a rose it is no longer a company uniform.

3.05. In the event that members of the Order do not uphold the standards in the Code of Conduct the following disciplinary actions may be taken as directed by the Captain: Strict verbal warning, Disciplinary Council with one or more officers and offender to determine consequences, enforced hiatus from fencing for a time to be determined by the Captain, revocation of authorization to fight, expulsion from the Order and bar on returning.

Article IV – Dues

4.01. We would rather everyone be able to come and be a part of the group than charge a lot of money to participate. That’s why the first month of training is free. After the first month, we ask for a flat–rate of $5 on the first Friday of each month to use the loaner gear and participate in the group. All monthly fees go back into the group and are used to fund activities or maintain and replace gear. While members with their complete kit are not necessarily using the loaner gear, their fees go to support the group as a whole. This encourages new fencers, thus perpetuating the longevity of the group. Fees should be received with all due thanks.

If members are concerned with the monthly fee, members should talk with an Officer. Monthly fees may be waived by providing service to the group.Each fencer must be up to date on their monthly fees, or acts of service before they are allowed to use loaner gear including sides. No member not up to date on fees may take any gear home for practice.

4.02. In the event that there is not enough gear available for all those who desire to borrow gear, priority goes to those who are up to date on their gear rental fees.

4.03. Loaner sides are exempt from the gear rental fees, but a member must be trained and authorized at the use of the side before they are able to fight with a specific side.

Article V – Officers

5.01. The Order of the Rose recognizes the following Officers within the Officers Corps: Captain, Lieutenants, Sergeants, Exchequer, Trainer, and Quartermaster. The authorized rank of Swordsman must be obtained before becoming an officer.

5.01a. Captain
For purposes of clarity and unity the Order of the Rose recognizes only one person as Captain. See Bylaw II. The Captain leads the group and is responsible for the overall structure, organization, and implementation of activities and guidelines within the Order of the Rose.

The authority to discipline and enforce rules and group policies reside with the Captain. With assistance from the other Officers, the Captain administers and manages the group schedule, lessons, and weekly practice. The Captain also has the authority to select additional officers and their own successor at their discretion.

All members who complete the Training Program, must be approved through testing and interviewing with the Captain before receiving the rank of Swordsman. See Bylaw V. Additionally, any rank in the Order of the Rose is granted by the Captain, except Master Swordsman.

Captains will teach and train as their schedule allows.

The Oath a Captain swears when taking up the office states that the Captain pledges their word to strengthen the company and dedicate themselves to those within the Order of the Rose. That they will lead with humility, fight with valor, and serve with honor until they can no longer fulfill their duties.

The Captain should be someone who is just, fair, reasonable, and responsible. A Captain needs to be a unifying influence and work well with Students, Members, and Officers. They need to be capable of handling the duties of Captain, and interactions with the public. A Captain should be a person who is dedicated to the people in the Order, patient but firm. They need to exemplify the 4 Levels of Importance and do all they reasonably can to strengthen the Company. They should be a humble, valiant, and honorable person.

As a Captain contemplates their replacement they should look for a person who embodies these qualities and who is able to keep the Captain’s Oath.

5.01b. Lieutenants
Under the direction of the Captain, we recognize two persons called as Lieutenants. See Bylaw II. Lieutenants support the Captain and assist in the administration and implementation of the group and its activities.

Lieutenants are expected to teach and assist in weekly lessons and any Initiate must be approved through testing and interviewing with a Lieutenant before receiving the rank of Novice from the Captain.

In the event that an Exchequer, Quartermaster, or Trainer are absent or have not been called, the office falls upon the Lieutenants to fill in until an Exchequer, Quartermaster, or Trainer is called.

Lieutenants oversee and direct the Sergeants in their efforts to achieve the goals and directions of the Captain.

Lieutenants report directly to the Captain.

All officers except the Captain swear the same oath that they will strengthen the company honor and assist in the company dealings. They swear to teach those in the company, lead both on and off the field and justly deal with others until they can no longer fulfill their duties.

Lieutenants are the Captains primary resource when administering the group. As such they should be people the with whom the Captain works well and communicates effectively with. Lieutenants should be excellent “First Followers,” and generally reliable people. They need to be able to process orders, and requests from the Captain in a timely manner and effectively delegate to the Sergeants. They should be capable leaders who are fair and just. They also need to be able to provide the Captain with reports on the workings of the group when necessary.

5.01c. Sergeants
Under the direction of the Lieutenants, we recognize four persons called as Sergeants. See Bylaw II. Sergeants support the Lieutenants and assist in implementation of policies while monitoring and encouraging interaction among the members of the group.

Sergeants work directly with members of the group and report to the Lieutenants on the well being and progress of members.

Sergeants are expected to teach and assist in weekly lessons and any Newcomer must be approved through testing and interviewing with a Sergeant before receiving the rank of Initiate from the Captain.

All officers except the Captain swear the same oath that they will strengthen the company honor and assist in the company dealings. They swear to teach those in the company, lead both on and off the field and justly deal with others until they can no longer fulfill their duties.

5.01d. Exchequer
Under the direction of the Captain, the Exchequer oversees the recording of funds and status of individual dues for members of the group.The Captain must report and verify the use of any group fees to the Exchequer who will record and track group expenditure.

The Exchequer is also responsible for tracking data on Students and Members, including dates when students join and their advancements through Student Ranks and Member Ranks.

All officers except the Captain swear the same oath that they will strengthen the company honor and assist in the company dealings. They swear to teach those in the company, lead both on and off the field and justly deal with others until they can no longer fulfill their duties.

5.01e. Trainer
Under the direction of the Captain, the Trainer organizes weekly lessons for members in the Training Program by monitoring their advancement, and coordinating available Swordsmen to teach needed lessons. The Trainer also assists the Captain’s and Master Swordsman’s advanced training of Swordsmen by facilitating their scheduling.

The Trainer is the primary resource for information on, and coordination of training. As such the Trainer should be familiar with students individual progress, and all the lesson materials in the Training Manual. They should strive to be a capable teacher, and help others to become such.

All officers except the Captain swear the same oath that they will strengthen the company honor and assist in the company dealings. They swear to teach those in the company, lead both on and off the field and justly deal with others until they can no longer fulfill their duties.

5.01f. Quartermaster
Under the direction of the Captain, the Quartermaster oversees the maintenance and condition of the loaner gear.

The Quartermaster ensures that all gear is returned promptly and that any problems are reported. The Quartermaster recommends what gear is most needed by the group and what should be purchased, fixed, or discarded.

All officers except the Captain swear the same oath that they will strengthen the company honor and assist in the company dealings. They swear to teach those in the company, lead both on and off the field and justly deal with others until they can no longer fulfill their duties.

Article VI – Meetings

6.01. We meet every week on Friday evening at 5:30 p.m. until about 9:00 p.m.. Our practices are typically held at Woodland Park, 300 S. 200 E. Farmington, UT, but varies based on availability. Our Fencing Season runs from the first Friday in March until the last Friday in October.

Each practice will cycle through one of the following three themes: Dueling, Melee, or Open.

  • Dueling Practice: Practice will focus on the skills and trainings of fighting as an individual against a single opponent.
  • Melee Practice: Practice will focus on the skills and scenarios of fighting in a melee or group battle as a team.
  • Open Practice: Practice will focus on fencing with friends while resting from our regular training and lesson schedule. No lessons from the Training Manual will be taught on these days, except to Newcomers, if there is a willing officer or Swordsman available to teach them. Instead the first hour will be used for students to work one on one with mentors or officers on the skills they have recently learned or are hoping to refine. Masters and Apprentices can also use this time to work together.

6.02. Practices are planned by the Captain, Lieutenants, and Master Swordsmen on a rotating basis. See Bylaw VI. The Captain assigns, in advance, specific practices to individuals that need to be planned and submitted to the Captain before the appropriate practice. The individuals who planned the practice will direct the proceeding of activities after the first hour of lessons. In the event, the individual (Officer of the Day) who was responsible for planning and directing practice is unable to attend, direction will fall back to the Captain. If the Captain is unable to attend, direction falls to the Lieutenants.

6.03. The first hour of practice will be dedicated to lessons, unless it is an Open Practice. On Open Practices, no lessons will be taught.

During lesson time, members in the Training Program will receive a single lesson appropriate for their rank from an assigned Officer who may be assisted by a Swordsman. Taking multiple lessons during practice is discouraged and will not count as progress towards the Swordsman rank.

Article VII – Selection Process of Officers

7.01. The selection of Officers is at the sole discretion of the Captain. The Captain may call and release Officers as they see fit. See Bylaw IV. Traditionally, this is done during the season and is reviewed at the end of each season to decide if any changes need to be made.

Potential Officers should be members who uphold the Four Levels of Importance, have dedicated themselves to the group, and have a clear understanding of the group and fencing skills, enough to teach others.

7.02. The selection of the next Captain is at the sole discretion of the current Captain. The Captain may choose their successor when and how they wish, providing that the next Captain has accepted the call.

Article VIII – Master Swordsman

8.01. The Rank of Master Swordsman was created to ensure the well being and longevity of the Order of the Rose. To become a Master Swordsman, one must meet the following criteria:

  • A person must exemplify the Four Levels of Importance
  • A person must have ten years of fencing experience
  • A person must have been a contributing member of the Order for the Rose for five total years
  • A person must have studied under at least two Masters
  • A person must have trained at least three Apprentices
  • A person must have their own personal kit
  • A person must have attended at least ten wars
  • A person must have participated in at least five tournaments
  • A person must have won at least one tournament
  • A person must be approved and selected by the other Master Swordsmen

8.02. The Master Swordsman’s primary duty is to oversee the welfare of the group, help keep the Order in line with the Four Levels of Importance, and to offer counsel to the Captain, if requested, based on their experience in the group.

They oversee the Order of the Rose Training Manuals with the assistance of the Captain and maintain a consistent knowledge base for the training of the group.

Additionally, they guide and advise the Swordsmen of the group in their training and pair them with potential Masters or Apprentices.

In regards to the Captain, Master Swordsmen maintain a universal support of the current Captain and continue that support during the transfer of captaincy. They are the epitome of the “first follower” principle, as long as the Captain is upholding the Four Levels of Importance.

In the event that a Captain is unable to uphold the Four Levels of Importance, or is found breaking the guidelines and rules of the group, the Master Swordsmen may step in and offer guidance and correction to resolve the issue at their discretion.

Article IX – Training Program

9.01. The Order of the Rose trains all those who desire to become skilled swordsmen through the use of the Order of the Rose Training Program.

9.02. Participants in the Training Program will progress through the following ranks as they complete the rank advancement requirements:

  • Newcomer
  • Initiate
  • Novice
  • Swordsman

9.02a. Newcomer
All students of the Training Program begin with the rank of Newcomer. Newcomers focus on gaining the basic skills of fencing, enough that they may participate in all the various activities held at practice.

Newcomers are to be taught the following lessons:

  • Introduction
  • Basics of Dueling
  • Basics of Melee

Once a Newcomer has completed all of the Newcomer lessons, they may schedule a Test Match with a Sergeant, who will review and ensure the Newcomer has met the following criteria. If the Newcomer meets all criteria and passes the Test Match, the Sergeant will be recommend them for advancement to the Captain.

  • Complete and Demonstrate understanding of all Newcomer Lessons
  • Know what the Four Levels of Importance are
  • Set goal to obtain fencing gloves
  • Pass a Test Match with Sergeant

9.02b. Initiate
Newcomers who advance to the rank of Initiate will continue developing fundamental skills that we believe all fencers should possess.

Initiates will also be given a simple notebook that will be used as a personal Fencing Journal. This journal should be used to record lessons, thoughts, and progress of the student through the rest of the Training Program.

Initiates are to be taught the following lessons:

  • Breaking Shots
  • Basic Offhand
  • Multiple Attacks
  • Block/Attack Combos
  • Range & Placement
  • Draw & Tip Cuts
  • Line Fighting
  • Two on One Tactics
  • Death from Behind (DFB)

Once an Initiate has completed all of the Initiate lessons, they may schedule a Test Match with a Lieutenant, who will review and ensure the Initiate has met the following criteria. If the Initiate meets all criteria and passes the Test Match, the Lieutenant will be recommend them for advancement to the Captain.

  • Complete and Demonstrate understanding of all Initiate Lessons
  • Describe how to apply the Four Levels of Importance
  • Set goal to obtain a gorget and, if applicable, a codpiece
  • Pass a Test Match with a Lieutenant

9.02c. Novice
Initiates who advance to the rank of Novice will continue learning skills and tactics that will lead students into developing their own style and focus as they move towards becoming a Swordsman.

Novices should focus on experiencing the breadth of what fencing has to offer and discovering what they enjoy and have interest looking into further.

Novices are to be taught the following lessons:

  • Dagger
  • Deathstick
  • Buckler
  • Cloak
  • Long Sword
  • Case
  • Advanced Blocks
  • Probing Your Opponents
  • Fighting with a Disability
  • Rush Attacks
  • Falling Wedge
  • Kill Pocket
  • Flanking Maneuver
  • Wall of Swords
  • Basics of Command

Once a Novice has completed all of the Novice lessons, they may schedule a Test Match with the Captain, who will review and ensure the Initiate has met the following criteria. If the Novice meets all criteria and passes the Test Match, the Captain will be recommend them for advancement to the rank of Swordsman.

  • Complete and Demonstrate understanding of all Novice Lessons
  • Describe why we hold ourselves to the Four Levels of Importance
  • Set goal to obtain a fencing mask and fencing vest
  • Review the Swordsman’s Oath
  • Pass a Test Match with the Captain

9.02d. Swordsman
Upon completion of the Training Program and taking the Swordsman’s Oath, students will graduate to full members of the Order of the Rose. Under the direction of the Master Swordsman, they will continue their journey, developing their own style and understanding of fencing.


  1. Any additional articles may be added under the direction and council of the Captain, Officers, and Master Swordsmen.
  2. Depending on the size of the group, the total number of Lieutenants and Sergeants may fluctuate. There will always be a single Captain.
  3. We believe that praise should be given publicly. Correction should be given privately.
  4. Officers may step down at any time, as they see fit or if they feel they can no longer fulfill their duties.
  5. The Captain may grant visiting fencers, or fencers with previous fencing experience, the rank of honorary Swordsman. Honorary Swordsmen are those who fight and support the Order of the Rose, but are not required to complete the Training Program or be held to the full responsibilities and oaths of a standard Swordsman.
  6. Practices may be planned and run by other Officers, members, or guests of the Order of the Rose after receiving permission from the Captain. The person(s) desiring to plan a practice will work with the Captain to find an appropriate date within the practice schedule.
  7. We believe in developing a family-friendly environment for all ages. Language, topic of conversation, jokes, and other public activities should be appropriate for all participants.