Fencing Practice: March 12, 2021

Practice in a Nutshell

Type of Practice: Dueling

We are jumping right in to our regular three week rotation. So as a reminder the time is divided thusly:

For Swordsmen: they will have open workshop from 6 – 6:30. This is a great time to focus on your goals. You can work one on one with each other or as a group. This is a great time for Masters and Apprentices to get in some work too. Then from 6:30 – 7 the Swordsman will join the students to work on implementation of what the students have learned.

For Students: they will have the opportunity to work on lessons from 6 -6:30, and then will be joined by Swordsman and will get to practice what they just learned.

After lessons, Edward and Evanlyn, our wonderful Lieutenants, are going to lead us in a few dueling focused activities. And we will have loads of fun because TS is awesome!


  • Newcomers: As Needed
  • Initiates: Death from Behind
  • Novices: Longsword
  • Swordsmen: Open Workshop / Student Assisting


Fees Please and Check-in

If you have paid your Shire fee please let Edward know this week that you have done that, if not please bring 5$ on Friday. Also when you arrive on Friday find Edward and let him know you’re there. Thank you!

Get your thinking caps on!

Next week we will do our melee creation night. So if you have a Drill, Game, Scenario, or Mission you are super excited to create, bring your ideas, and an internet enabled device, and we will create them after the sun goes down.

Masters School

March 20, 9 AM come join us for Masters School. The more the merrier! We don’t usually bring gear to this but if you would like to borrow some for this event please let Shay know.

Shay’s Thoughts (but more Taceo’s)

Thank you for wearing masks last week. You were all wonderful and very patient with that. We still need to keep that up even with the tremendously good news that Davis County is in moderate transmission.

My husband, Taceo, and I were having a great conversation the other day about the difference between Order of the Rose and a business. The highlights focused on the concept of community. Essentially the difference boils down to, if OotR were a business people would come, plunk down their 5 dollars, teachers would churn out a lesson, and at the end of their student experience they would get the product of their transaction, that being the rank of Swordsman. Which would be a very empty transaction indeed.

Taceo pointed out that the reason why fencing in our group is so different and empowering, is because it is a community where everyone contributes. And more than money. Students come willing to learn and grow. They contribute their enthusiasm and bravery to try new things. Teachers and officers contribute time, energy, and knowledge to help people get better. Swordsman own their own journey, dive in and discover what there is to learn about fencing, and they share their experiences. Everyone is lifted. Through this we become Swordsmen. It is more than a rank. It’s an attitude, it’s a way of living. We together build community.

Yes money is paid out. But instead of being a transaction for a product, it is used as fuel for the betterment of all. I love that! Taceo is a great thinker.