Fighting with a Disability


After each Block, a following attack could be performed safely and in a controlled manner. Be aware of the situation and understand when it may be safer to just block.

If you need a review of the 8 Basic Blocks, take a look at the Basics of Dueling lesson.

Fighting with a Disability

Loss of the Hand/Arm

The loss of a hand or arm is a very common occurrence in Fencing. Do not be discouraged when it happens to you. You need to keep fighting, believing that you can win even with a wound.

When you lose a hand, treat your remaining arm as you would a deathstick. Your forearm is a great defensive tool.

When you lose your arm, line your body behind your sword to make yourself the smallest target possible. Try not to leave your undefended shoulder out in the open. If you are uncomfortable fighting with your non-dominant hand, train beforehand.

Loss of Legs

When you lose your legs, you are now a Downed Fighter. You need to sit in a position that is most comfortable for you. Remember that once sitting, you cannot leave contact with your legs or the ground depending on if you chose to kneel or sit, but you can turn to face your opponent. You’re priority, at this point, is defense. The only thing you can do is stay alive and wait for your opponent to come close enough to that you can reach them.

Fighting Against a Downed Fighter

The main principle to remember when fighting a Downed Fighter is that you are in control of the fight. Your opponent has to wait for you before responding. Make a plan and go with it. You’re not guaranteed a win, but recognize that you have an advantage.

Journal Prompt

Which disadvantage do you struggle with the most? What can you do to improve?