Tabula V

Four levels of Feints

1st Kind

Is without any noticeable forward movement, (point does not pass defenders guard). The counter to this is to despise or ignore it, make no movement to guard against it.

2nd Kind

Is by leaning the body the adversary is able to reach the opponents wrist with their point. The counter is to quicken the arm and hand, straighten the body, raise the toes of the left foot while covering the adversary blade from above with superiority, on the side of the feint.

3rd Kind

Is by advancing the body (without forward foot movement) the adversary is able to reach the opponent’s forearm. The counter is same as to the 2nd with extending the body raising the right foot, turning the outside wrist out higher, raising the point at an obtuse angle as required to cover with a little advantage and superiority.

4th Kind

Is by advancing the body so far forward that the point is able to reach the defenders elbow, which as far as the opponent can reach without moving the feet. This would be recognized by the extreme forward movement, and must not be allowed to be completed. It should be turned aside by the defender taking a short step along the diameter, with the straight line sword extended.


“The lover of this art, who will render themselves capable of it, will borrow courage and assurance of arms, even if they lack the certitude and dexterity of their usage by the feebleness of their forces.”

Circle N. 1

Tabula V Circle 1 plan view


Begins with 3rd kind of feint Outside line at opponents face.


Reacts against the feint, outside quillon diagonally upward, cross and cover the blade, without touching it.


Under cutting (redirecting) his sword to the Inside line, as he lifts his right foot passing his sword under opponent’s hilt, makes an estocade (thrust) inside the right arm at the face, as his right foot lands at letter “R”, letting his left foot follow.


Reacts to opponents undercut by cover the inside line in the same manner as above (windshield wiper parry), stiffening his arm and knees, As soon as the point of the sword comes to his elbow. Receives it at number 3 or 4, catching it between the blade and the inside quillon, turn horizontal. advances his right foot and body together with the arm and sword, wounds the enemy in the face, setting his right foot down between the letters “C” and “E”, letting the left foot follow proportionately, standing upright in profile.

Tabula V Circle One

Alexander holds himself in the posture of the straight line, and is attacked by Zachary with a thrust inside the arm to the face. As Zachary cuts under Alexander’s guard ( 3 feint, point past elbow). Alexander takes it at number 3 or 4 stepping forward and a little to the outside with the right foot, striking Zachary through the head.

Circle N. 2

Tabula V Circle 2 plan view


Continued from Circle One, this move is not for re-enactment but illustrates an important philosophical difference, between Thibault’s methods and what may be considered a common practice, “bouncing away before your opponent can retaliate”.


Stepping with weight on right foot to letter “H” with bended knee, left foot following behind. Delivers a forcefully shock to opposing hilt.


Forced to bend his arm so that his point rises useless at an obtuse angle.


Comes under opposing blade taking away all possibilities of revenge.

Tabula V Circle Two

Alexander with right foot to the letter H, knee bent left foot following proportionately behind, forcing his opponent’s arm with his own, so that he comes at him beneath the sword.

Circle N. 3

Tabula V Circle Three Plan View


1st kind of Feint, high or low, made with a stiff arm outside the sword.


Ignores Feint.


Advancing the left foot, Cuts under the blade as he advances his body, right foot to letter “R”, makes an estocade with all his strength at the face of opponent.


Receives opponents blade on inside quillon at number 4 or 5, advancing right foot a little off “E” and “H”, body weight on bended right knee.

If opponent makes some approach of their body during the feint. Straighten yourself up, right foot raised without leaning the body forward, until the opposing blade will be a little away by means of the advancement of the body. Then enter suddenly by bending forward, and wound your opponent by graduating their sword with arm extended, as illustrated.

Tabula V Circle Three

Zachary makes an estocade in a straight line by plain force inside the arm and against the face, which is countered at the same time by Alexander, who receives the sword at number 4 or 5 and, with a remarkable graduation and advancement of the body, thrusts his estocade through Zachary’s head.

Circle N. 4

Tabula V Circle Four Plan View
Tabula V Circle Four Plan View


Feint of the 1st Kind, with a stiff arm inside line.


Waits on adversary advancement.


Advancing the right foot to letter “V” as he passes his sword under opponent’s guard to the outside line.


Perceiving adversary’s advancement and redirection, receives his opponents blade at number 4, with a little upward lift of the body.


Makes a resolute estocade outside the arm.


Turning his head and back toward the enemy’s point (Contrary to common practice). Steps with right foot near the letter “E”, forcing opponents point to leave the straight line, wounds Zachary in the face, letting his left foot follow behind.

Tabula V Circle Four

Zachary feints to the inside with a stiff arm lifting the right foot, cutting under the guard while advancing the body resolute estocade outside the arm and against the face, body high that does not pass the letter “V”. Alexander receives the opposing sword on the forte of his own at number 4, graduating opposing sword with a stiff arm and a little step, turning his head and back toward the estocade, he wounds Zachary in the face.

Circle N. 5

Tabula V Circle Five Plan View


Continued from Circle Four, this move is not for re-enactment but illustrates an important philosophical difference, between Thibault’s methods and what may be considered a common practice, “bouncing away before your opponent can retaliate”.


Advancing his right foot beyond “H”, body weight forward on right knee. Graduates the opposing blade with a straight arm, guards come together with such violence.


Is forced to bend his arm so that his point rises useless at an obtuse angle.


Comes under opposing blade taking away all possibilities of revenge.

Tabula V Circle Five

 Alexander pursues and executes his estocade, augmenting and completing it by raising and advancing his right foot, together with the body, arm and sword, and finally putting his foot down on the diameter beyond the letter “H”, with the weight of his body on the bent forward knee. Meanwhile, he graduates the opposing blade with a straight arm, until the guards come together with such violence that the enemy is forced to bend his arm, letting his point go up to an obtuse angle as he takes Alexander’s sword through his head.

Circle N. 6

Tabula V Circle Six Plan View


Feint of the 2nd kind inside the arm.


Sword point raised up on the side of the feint, with superiority.


Passes sword under opponents guard, making an estocade outside the arm with a curved line. Right foot to letter “R” shifting weight forward onto right knee, letting the left foot land on letter “X”.


Advancing his left side, pivoting on right foot inside the circumference. Receives 5 or 6 degree of opposing blade with number 7 of his own against it, with degraduation and lowering of the hand, bracing his elbow against his side, continues to turn and advance the left side of his body circularly left foot landing on letter “I”, bending the knee and shifting his body onto it, subjecting the opposing sword.

Tabula IV Circle Six

 Zachary advances, with a estocade outside the arm against Alexander’s face in a curved line, right foot to letter “R”. Alexander evades blow by advancing his left side and putting his right foot on the diameter inside the circumference, receiving the 5 or 6 of the opposing sword with the number 7 of his own, with degraduation, a lowering of the hand, and elbow held firmly against his side, so that, the lower part of his body being protected, he makes his entrance above, moving the left foot up to the letter “I”.

Circle N. 7

Tabula V Circle Seven Plan View


Continued from Circle Six.


Raises his left foot pushes against the opposing blade, taking his own blade away underneath Zachary’s arm, bracing his right elbow against his side, hilt close to chest leaning back.

Straightening up at the same instant puts his left foot down on the letter “L” bringing the right foot consequently behind, putting the body at ease, and hits the right side of the enemy under the arm.

Tabula IV Circle Seven

 Continuation of Circle 6, Alexander raises his left foot and, neutralizing the opposing blade by taking away his own, leaning a little back and again returning to where he had been and advancing the same foot, he thrusts his point at Zachary’s right side under the arm.

Circle N. 8

Tabula V Circle Eight Plan View


Having made his estocade with full resolution from Circle 6 & 7.


If Zachary attacks with reserve.


Enters with right foot to letter “E”, bracing right elbow against the side, advancing body with small descent of hand, directing the point up against opposing sword to turn it aside.

Advancing the left foot holding it in the air in order to retain the exact sentiment to respond against any cuts under the blade. To counter these it is necessary to receive the foible of the opponent’s blade on the forte of one’s own, giving a thrust to the face with advancement of the left foot.

Tabula V Circle Eight

The final execution of the preceding estocade, assisted by all the strength of the arm and body, with the details which it is necessary to observe. 

Circle N. 9

Tabula V Circle Nine Plan View


Makes a feint of the second kind outside the arm up to his opponent’s wrist.


Covers the feint with outside quillon turned upward, elevates the heel of the right foot


Lifting the right foot and beginning to advance, lowering point circularly with stiff arm and great quickness (Intention of bringing his foot to letter “R”). Attempts to deliver a thrust to the lower part of his opponent’s body.


Turns his right side away at the same time toes of both feet forward, advances the upper part of his body by leaning with the arm extended, forestalls Zachary’s attack by striking his right shoulder.

Tabula V Circle Nine

 Zachary attacks with an estocade to the belly, advancing his body with the intention of carrying his right foot up to letter “R”. Alexander prevents this by turning away his right side, with right arm extended and advanced, making an attack at Zachary’s right shoulder. Zachary constrained to shorten step to letter “V”.

Circle N. 10

Tabula V Circle Ten Plan View


Continued from Circle 9, delivering a thrust to the lower part of his opponents body.


Pushing Zachary’s blade down, Raising the left foot near letter “I”, arm extended onto the opposing sword, graduating the hilt so the point nearly touches the ground.

Continuation of this execution with the right foot, in order to straighten himself up again, to master his opponent even more completely.

Tabula V Circle Ten

Alexander’s hilt coming into contact with the opposing blade and blocks it before the point reaches his body. By the descent of the arm (which accompanies the bending of the upper part of the body) putting the lower blade into subjection.

Circle N. 11

Tabula V Circle Eleven Plan View


Feints inside Alexander’s arm.


Feint countered just as in Circle 9.


lowers arm to thrust at opponents belly while holding his hilt high enough to guard his shoulder.


Extends arm and sword at obtuse angle, as opponent’s sword begins to descend, lowers his own similarly, point near the level of his opponent’s head.

Turning his right side a little outward, toes of both feet forward, bending the upper part even farther forward. At the same instant he brings his arm and hilt down on the opposing blade wounding his opponent in the face.

Always take the superiority of blades on the side of the feint.

Tabula V Circle Eleven

Zachary makes an estocade at Alexander lower body, but with his hilt higher to cover his shoulder. Alexander turns aside and draws back his right side, with the upper part of his body leaning forward, arm and sword extended hitting Zachary in the face.

Circle N. 12

Tabula V Circle Twelve Plan View


Feints inside Alexander’s arm, guard high so it covers his entire head. Lifting the right foot with a little advancement of the body during the feint.


Lifting his right foot and straightening his body, extending his arm and raising his point to cover the Feint as previously outlined. Pointing the toes of both feet forward


lowers arm to thrust at opponents belly while holding his hilt high lowering right foot on the diameter close to the center, drawing the left foot behind it.


As soon as he notices his opponent lowering his blade with advancement of the body.

Lowers the hilt onto the opposing sword, crossing and degrauating the sword in subjection, bending the body forward, lowering the arm without any movement of its own.

Turning the outside quillon diagonally upwards toward the right, This will be of great usefulness on many occasions, and must be well understood.

Tabula V Circle Twelve

Zachary tries to hit his opponent low on the body, with the hand so high that it covers the head, with the point low. Alexander turning aside the right side of the body, and in this way lowering the arm and sword together upon the opponent’s sword, de graduating it.

Circle N. 13

Tabula V Circle Twelve Plan View


Continued from Circle Twelve, this move is not for re-enactment but illustrates an important philosophical difference, between Thibault’s methods and what may be considered a common practice, “bouncing away before your opponent can retaliate”.


Turns quillons horizontal, point against opponents side below the hilt and arm. Advances his entire body together with the arm and sword, takes the opposing blade with his outside quillon, graduating it, and moving his right foot up to the letter “H”.

Shifting his weight onto it, while bringing the other along the ground to the circumference. At the same time he drives his point through the opponents body, so far that as to strike opposing hilt causing the opponent to bend their arm.

Tabula V Circle Twelve

 Continuation and execution of the preceding.