Blackkoven’s Captain Part 2: Essence is in the Details
“The real and invariable nature of a thing is comprised of little details. The more closely you can observe and define something, the better you will understand it.”
“The real and invariable nature of a thing is comprised of little details. The more closely you can observe and define something, the better you will understand it.”
Apprenticing to Kane Driscol requires an acceptance of the unorthodox. In the moment, students may not know what use certain activities hold, but you always know there is something to be learned.
Both to Sylas and me boredom is the most unpleasant thing in the world and must be avoided at all costs – Sylas Iorundr
During his time traveling through France as a member of L’Orchidée Noire, a traveling troubadour group, Kane developed a love for gourmet food and high dining. This was something Damian clearly didn’t understand.
We arrived midday at the Order Garrison. A grumpy young man, who I could only assume was the garrison secretary, was tossing excess papers around his desk.
When it comes to the finer things in life, except for food, Kane Driscol is horribly oblivious. Luckily, Damian Azure was willing to take him under his wing and show him there was a point to a nice outfit!
“What would an average day look like for Kane?” I asked myself. You may be surprised that it’s not all high-flying action and derring-do. After some thought, I realized that an average day meant paperwork. And Kane hates paperwork.
Any man or woman, regardless of wealth or background can join the Order of the Rose, provided they are honorable, brave, and have the will to fight the good fight, no matter how difficult or treacherous it is.
You can tell a man just like you can a sword, you know. Some are bathed in jewels and gold, but have never seen hardship or toil. They easily break when put under pressure. A strong one does not need glamour or intricacies; they let their strength and deeds speak for themselves.