Iron Thorn: Call to Arms, Year of Our Lord 2020

Members of Iron Thorn, I write this today calling upon you all to answer Iron Thorn’s first Call to Arms. It is not a call to battle, but a call to face adversity with the utmost courage I know you all can muster. A disease sweeps across the world, but something far deadlier has accompanied it, fear. People across the world have succumbed to fear and lost all reason, civility, and rationality. That will not fall upon any of us. We are the ones that many of Terrasylvae look to as the strong, the tough, and now we must show courage. It is human to feel fear, but courage is not without fear, courage is to discard fear and to serve the greater good. For as long as this crisis continues, your mission will be to stand firm, to be willing to be there for your fellow Terrasylvans, your families, and your neighbors. Protect them from the struggles that may come by offering aid, supplies, and whatever help you can, for humanity only survives through community. There is no better community than Terrasylvae. It is a home for those displaced by society and we will make sure all will have a home here if they seek it. We will not turn our backs on our fellow man, our fellow Terrasylvans, we are the Shield of Terrasylvae, and the world now needs those who can be a shield. Of course, please be reasonable, do not offer aid so much that you become the one in need, but do offer what you can.

Terrasylvans, those of you who are faced with challenges and are afraid for the future, have hope. I pray for each and every one of you every single morning and night that these times will be easy upon you all. Never forget that we are all family, dysfunctional in some ways perhaps, but we are all still family. Have courage yourselves, have hope, and even if not a member of Iron Thorn, do not hesitate to answer this call. These times will pass, for how short or how long, I do not know, but we will weather the storm together. Do not hesitate to seek help from your families, neighbors, or especially us. If you are not comfortable with me or another, turn to someone, anyone, but don’t go through these challenges alone. We are here to help, we will always be here to help. Remember, no matter how dark future days may become, Terrasylvae will forever be a beacon of light and hope, it is for you and many others. We are all strongest together.

Commander of the Iron Thorn
-Martin Rhyfelwr (Chase Davis)