Sylvan Assembly: Masquerade Ball

We are bringing back a Terrasylvan favorite, the Masquerade Ball! This ball, combines a tourney, of sorts, from the night before where fencers will compete for a chance to fill out dance cards with mystery partners, and a ball on the following Saturday night.

If you are attending the Ball then on Friday night you will need to bring an object representing yourself that is unique to you to represent you on your dance card.

Then on Saturday, as this is a Masquerade Ball, you should wear a decorative upper face mask as part of your “formal wear.” (Not the Covid kind, the Venetian Carnival kind.) Also, let’s have a potluck to go with. Bring a treat or side of some sort to share. Drinks are always welcome, and much appreciated as well.

A lovely Bride has commandeered Woodland that Saturday, and we do not wish to disturb her, so the Ball will be held in Shay’s Backyard. Which is really quite lovely and very close to Woodland. Look for the Address on BAND.

So bring an object, compete Friday, and bring a treat, wear a Carnival mask, and dance the night away Saturday. It will be awesome!