Sylvan Assembly: Masquerade Ball

“There were more Dancers than the Room could conveniently hold, which is enough to constitute a good Ball at any time.” Which is why Dancing out of doors is so fun!

Woodland War: Warlords!

Come one, come all to Woodland War! This year our theme is Warlords and once war is over the theme will continue throughout the rest of the September, until we have a victor who controls the most lands of Woodland. For those who haven’t played yet, Warlords is a long term game of cunning and … Read More

Terrasylvan Twenty Year Celebration!

To all Terrasylvans past and present, and their friends and allies throughout the years. In late May of 1999, Rhiannon and a handful of High School kids who couldn’t drive to SCA meetings met in the Kovac’s backyard for a feast, bardic, and dancing. None of us had any idea that twenty years in the … Read More