Fencing Mentality
A Rose of Valor
Each fighter carries with him or herself a Rose all unique with their own set of virtues and traits. When you look at a rose, what does it mean to you? The symbolism of your rose should always guide your actions, both on and off the field.
Chess and Failure
“If you wish to succeed you must brave the risk of failure.” Garry Kasparov, Chess Grandmaster
Mentality within a Duel
Mentality in fencing is a key skill to learn and it’s a skill that comes with time and practice.
A Moment Worth Living For
“Don’t you sometimes feel bewildered when you think of the millions of things that put life together? I’m not bewildered. I’m filled with the deepest awe and wonder. The miracle is that in its complexity it all works.” – Julie Andrews Edwards, The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
The Power of the “Sleeping Mind”
In each of us there is a mind we use for all our waking deeds. But there is another mind as well, a sleeping mind. It is so powerful that the sleeping mind can accomplish in one second what the waking mind can’t comprehend until afterwards.
Everyone Has Their Strengths
Do you know what you are good at and where your strengths lie? We should all focus on our strengths instead of our weaknesses and seek to help others find their strengths.
My Thoughts on Melee
In this week’s Woodland Watch, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on Melee and becoming a better soldier in melee because that will be our focus this year.
Building Confidence in Fencing
In this weeks Woodland Watch, we’ll be discussing something that many people seem to struggle with: Confidence!
Why I Keep a Fencing Journal and How It Can Help You Too
One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to keep a better Fencing Journal. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my skill and understanding of fencing when I have dedicated myself to it and I believe it’s a tool everyone should consider.
Being a Good Leader by Gwynneth
A while ago, Kane asked me to write something up about how to be a good leader. Leading on the fencing field is probably my favorite thing about fencing, and I think I’m an effective leader. That doesn’t mean I win every battle, or am totally awesome, it just means I lead well. So I’ve … Read More