I Hate Paperwork

“What would an average day look like for Kane?” I asked myself. You may be surprised that it’s not all high-flying action and derring-do. After some thought, I realized that an average day meant paperwork. And Kane hates paperwork.


“If you were in a cage but could escape, would you? Even if your cage had more freedom than you could ever ask for in your position?” – Sylas Iorundr

Terrasylvae is a Shared World

With each new generation the world of Terrasylvae grows and builds upon itself, invoking the imagination of many talented and creative people.

Build The Lore of Terrasylvae

One of the greatest parts of Terrasylvae is that it is a shared world, ready to explore and expand. Being a Terrasylvan means telling your tale and adding your stories to ours.

Region around Terrasylvae *Sourced from Djekspek*

Help Fill in the Map

I’m looking for all Lore-meisters, cartographers, and anyone with an imagination to help flush out the regions surrounding Terrasylvae!

The Once and Future Kane

You can tell a man just like you can a sword, you know. Some are bathed in jewels and gold, but have never seen hardship or toil. They easily break when put under pressure. A strong one does not need glamour or intricacies; they let their strength and deeds speak for themselves.