Basics of Melee

Safety Safety is our number one concern. In a Melee, or group fight, we need to ensure that everything we do keeps ourselves and others safe. Here are some additional safety rules of note as it pertains to Melee: General Melee Safety Rules The 180 Rule: This rule simply means that you may not attack … Read More

Basics of Command

There are Four Parts of an Army. They fill distinct roles in a battle, but are not all in every battle. By knowing the different roles, you can assign your units to play those roles that may help achieve their full potential and claim victory for your team. The roles are as follows: Commander Linesmen … Read More

Line Fighting

Safety Melee situations can become chaotic and full of energy. As we learn to participate in Melees, remember to always be safe and in control of what you are doing. For a review of basic melee safety rules, look through the Basics of Melee lesson. Line Fighting Line Fighting is a very common occurrence in … Read More

Fighting with a Disability

Safety After each Block, a following attack could be performed safely and in a controlled manner. Be aware of the situation and understand when it may be safer to just block. If you need a review of the 8 Basic Blocks, take a look at the Basics of Dueling lesson. Fighting with a Disability Loss of the … Read More


Safety Gauging and Breaking Shots are techniques that we use to prevent hard shots, or attacks that may hurt someone. These techniques should be practiced both at practice and at home to develop familiarity and muscle memory. Wielding Case (Two Swords) Case is our term for wielding two rapiers at the same time. Having a … Read More

Long Sword

Safety Increasing the length of the blade poses safety risks, especially to those who are not familiar with the added length. The main concern is the increased chance of giving a hard shot from the change of range. Be aware of your range as you fight with a long sword and focus on Gauging or … Read More


Safety The main concern with using a Dagger is that their blades are shorter and therefore stiffer. You’re more likely to give a hard shot with a Dagger for this reason and because you’re required to be so much closer when you use it. Be wise in your use of Daggers and remember that they … Read More

Two on One Tactics

Safety When executing Two on One Tactics there are a few safety issues to consider: Don’t Over Do It: The two need to make sure they aren’t pushing the one into unsafe areas. Remember it’s not a mobbing session and we aren’t trying to hurt any one. The one needs to not let their adrenaline … Read More

Death from Behind (DFB)

Safety The Death from Behind technique is one of the few techniques that we require specific training on before anyone is allowed to perform a DFB. It is incredibly important that DFB’s are performed safely and correctly because you are attacking someone when they are most vulnerable. If you ever feel worried or unsure about … Read More

Breaking Shots

Safety Gauging and Breaking Shots are techniques that we use to prevent hard shots, or attacks that may hurt someone. These techniques should be practiced both at practice and at home to develop familiarity and muscle memory. Gauging Shots Gauging our shots means doing our very best not to hit too hard before we strike. … Read More

Multiple Attacks

Safety When attacking multiple times it is important to avoid a technique we call the “Sewing Machine.” The Sewing Machine is when a fighter is caught in a rhythm of throwing shots one after the other, but only in a straight line. Sort of like the needle of a sewing machine. The Sewing Machine technique … Read More

Block & Attack Combos

Safety After each Block, the following attack should be performed safely and in a controlled manner. Be aware of the situation and understand when it may be safer to just block. If you need a review of the 8 Basic Blocks, take a look at the Basics of Dueling lesson. Block/Attack Combos One of the best … Read More

Basic Offhand

Safety For safety concerns, it is not permitted to grab your opponent’s weapon in any way, either the guard or the blade. Grabbing a weapon includes any time your fingers close around the blade or lock the blade in a position that can’t be wiggled out of.  When using your Offhand it is best to … Read More

Range & Placement

Safety Understanding the concepts of Range & Placement allow a fencer to properly know when and how to attack safely. Often giving and receiving hard shots is indicative of fighters misunderstanding or not properly utilizing Range & Placement. Your understanding of range and placement will come with time and experience. Do your best to implement … Read More

Basics of Dueling

Safety First and foremost, we expect all our fencers to be safe. Fencing is a contact sport, but if all safety requirements are met, we are confident that fencers may engage in combat and avoid major injuries. Learn more about our safety rules below. General Safety Rules Gear: All fencers must wear appropriate safety gear … Read More